Tag Archives: Cleared

NASA’s Dragonfly drone cleared for flight to Saturn’s moon, …

After overcoming the hurdles of COVID-19 delays and budget overruns, NASA has finally given the Dragonfly rotorcraft mission the go-ahead.  This autonomously operated nuclear-powered rotorcraft is set to embark on a groundbreaking journey to Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, in 2028. Artist’s concept of Dragonfly rotorcraft (NASA/JHU-APL) Why Titan? Titan is …

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UPDATE to the Blue UAS 2.0 Cleared List

The Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD(A&S)) are unveiling the first companies that have passed the vetting required for onboarding policy-compliant, commercial small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) into the Department of Defense (DoD). The drones added to the DIU …

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FlightWave Edge 130 VTOL Added to Blue UAS Cleared List

FlightWave Aerospace, an industry-leading provider of VTOL drones, sensors and software solutions, on January 18th announced completion of the process to receive an Authority To Operate (ATO) designation under the DoD Defense Innovation Unit’s Blue sUAS 2.0 Program. As a result, the NDAA-compliant Edge 130 Blue UAS has been approved …

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