Tag Archives: Chinas

Hong Kong start-ups shine at China’s largest AI show amid ci…

Artificial intelligence (AI) start-ups from Hong Kong grabbed some of the spotlight at the three-day World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai this week, as they showcased an array of products and services to underscore the city’s ambitions to become an innovation hub. Cyberport, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks …

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Taiwan training laser weapons on China’s drone threat

Taiwan has teamed up with allies to develop a 50-kilowatt laser weapon system, marking a potential great leap in the self-governing island’s defenses against China’s rising drone threats and incursions. The Taipei Times reported that Taiwan is rapidly advancing in the development of a pioneering 50-kilowatt vehicle-mounted laser weapon, which …

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China’s Military Is Built With US Technology

News Analysis In California, a former U.S. Army pilot sells classified aviation research to China’s communist regime. In Kentucky, leaders of a defense contracting company allegedly conspire to sell technical drawings to China and illicitly introduce Chinese parts into the Pentagon’s supply Chain. In Illinois, a China-based company allegedly bribes …

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‘Strikingly Similar’ – China’s Stealth Drone USV Completes 1…

China’s first domestically manufactured 200-ton-class unmanned surface vessel (USV) has reportedly completed its maiden autonomous sea trial, potentially paving the way to employ new naval combat tactics such as distributed operations and swarm battle. The ship is distinguished by its stealth and long-range capabilities. On Tuesday, a sea trial was …

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Officials warn that China’s technology dominance could give …

Intelligence officials on Friday issued new warnings about China’s ambitions, saying it was collecting genetic data from around the world as part of a technological push that could give it a decisive military edge and dominance over the American healthcare sector.   A report by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center …

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