Eyes in the Sky, Boots Still on the Ground!

Eyes in the Sky, Boots Still on the Ground!

Dem Boys seh…

Kaieteur News – Dem Boys seh Georgetown turning into a real-life sci-fi movie with dis “Eyes in the Sky” operation. But lemme tell you, it ain’t no Hollywood blockbuster, it’s more like a comedy of errors!

The Joint Services got dem drones buzzing ’round like mosquitoes at a picnic, and people getting more nervous. Every time dem hear that whirring sound overhead, you’d think it’s the end of the world! People hearing mosquito buzzing and thinking is drones. Now, dem telling we not to worry, saying it’s all for security. But how we supposed to feel secure when we can’t even check we own cellphones without thinking Big Brother up there reading every message? Man, dem drones causing more paranoia.

But here’s the kicker, dem boys seh: what good is having eyes in the sky if you ain’t got boots on the ground? You can see all the crime from up there, but if you can’t respond down here, what’s the point?

Imagine you see a man snatch a granny’s purse from up in the clouds. You radio down to the ground troops, but by the time they reach the scene, that thief done disappear quicker than a politician’s promises after election day!

And don’t even get me started on the logistics of it all. Who’s controlling dem drones? Some tech-savvy sergeant with a joystick in one hand and a fried chicken leg in the other? We need real people on the ground, not some drone jockey! So, dem boys seh, if you gonna have eyes in the sky, make sure you got boots on the ground too. Otherwise, we just gonna be stuck in a never-ending loop of surveillance without action, like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere fast!

 Talk half. Leff half…



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