DLNR to implement drone use for conservation, search and res…

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a — drone?

Over the next two years, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources will establish a drone operating program to oversee illegal activity on public lands, such as beaches and parks.

The drones will be used to make law enforcement and rescue easier, according to officials.

The change comes under Act 237, which Gov. Josh Green recently signed into law.

The governor said the state will find a balance between updating technology and protecting privacy.

Jason Redulla, chief of DLNR’s Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, said drones will be more efficient and cost-effective than searches by foot or helicopter.

“Having a drone not only makes it more easy for us to access these areas, to patrol to investigate complaints, but also, it’s very less expensive for us to fly in a drone,” Redulla explained.

DOCARE is responsible for enforcing environmental and cultural related laws on more than one million acres of state land, and 3 million acres of state ocean waters.

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