FLYMOTION Selected as Preferred Partner of Squishy Robotics

TAMPA, FL – FLYMOTION, a leading provider of unmanned systems, technology integration, training, and services across public safety, government, and defense, announced they are now a preferred partner of Squishy Robotics. Through a value-added reseller agreement with FLYMOTION, the technology company’s line of sensor platforms will be available for distribution.

Headquartered in Berkeley, California, Squishy Robotics, Inc. specializes in making customizable robots for emergency response. Known as tensegrity structures, these platforms can place a wide variety of sensor payloads in austere environments. Field-proven in pilot partnerships with several first responder departments, these tensegrity robots are versatile tools and useful for numerous public safety, defense, and industrial applications.

“As technology advances exponentially, the possibilities of integrating robotics into operations in place of a human operator follow suit. Merging unmanned systems with Squishy Robotics sensor payloads opens the door for operators to accomplish whatever mission profile they encounter. Furthermore, this partnership advances our mission of ‘Supporting Those Who Serve’ across public safety, government, and defense on a global operational scale, and we are eager to see the capabilities continually develop,” said Ryan English, CEO & Co-Founder of FLYMOTION.

The integration of Squishy Robotics into FLYMOTION’s growing list of advanced technology will make its innovative products more accessible for application in public safety, government, defense, and enterprise operations. As a leading end-to-end industry solution provider, FLYMOTION prioritizes partnerships with companies that champion the development of life-saving technology. Establishing a relationship between Squishy Robotics and FLYMOTION will place these advanced platforms directly in the hands of front-line operators and uphold the mission of ‘Supporting Those Who Serve.’

“We are thrilled to be working with FLYMOTION, a technology solutions provider dedicated to providing local, state and federal public safety agencies with the latest and most innovative tools they need,” said Squishy Robotics COO Deniz Dogruer. “We are excited that this agreement will enable us to offer our drone-droppable/throwable sensors to the first responder community, providing them with the immediate, on-the-ground information they need to protect themselves and the public from many dangers.”

Interested parties will be able to experience the advantages of the Squishy Robotics platform by contacting FLYMOTION representatives.


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