Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Hackensack Police Announce New Drone Service


HACKENSACK, NJ – The Hackensack Police Department has announced the initiation of a state-of-the-art Drone First Responder program, designed to elevate public safety measures.

According to the department, these drones are intended to expedite emergency responses, amplify security, and ensure citizen privacy. The drones will provide quicker responses to service calls, assist in search and rescue efforts, document accidents and criminal incidents, track fleeing suspects, conduct regular safety checks, capture high-quality aerial photographs, and support during medical emergencies.

Mayor John Labrosse emphasized that this program showcases the city’s commitment to utilizing advanced technology for the betterment of public safety. “It enables us to act promptly and efficiently during emergencies while prioritizing your privacy,” he said.

The department highlighted that the program will strictly adhere to FAA-approved flight altitudes and will only angle cameras downward at the scene of an incident, underlining the high value placed on maintaining privacy.

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